Anna Campbell

May 2013


The Flowers That Bloom in the Spring, Tra La… (part 1)

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Japonica camellia in the Ballarat Botanical Gardens, Victoria

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Blossom in the Ballarat Botanical Gardens, Victoria

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Cherry Blossom in Kew Gardens, London

I can remember many years ago in my arrogant youth sending my godfather a birthday card featuring a pretty rose on the front and the rude comment inside that “Old people like pictures of flowers.”


Sadly I’ve since become old and discovered that I love pictures of flowers too. I’m hoping you do too. If any of you hang around my Facebook page, you’ll know that I often go quite mad with my camera taking photos of local flora.

I thought seeing we’ve hit spring in the Northern Hemisphere that I’d share some of my favorite flower photos with you today – and next month. I’ve got a bloomin’ LOT of flower photos to share! This month, I thought I’d share what to me are exotics. Next month, it’s the Aussie natives.

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Camellias in Bodnant Gardens, Wales

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Crabapple blossom at the Ballarat Botanical Gardens, Victoria

And you may just notice a few photos familiar from the website – I thought you might be interested to know where they came from.






Mr. Lincoln roses in my garden, Sunshine Coast, Queensland

Mr. Lincoln roses in my garden, Sunshine Coast, Queensland

Peonies at Calke Abbey in Derbyshire

Peonies at Calke Abbey in Derbyshire

Poppies in the Ballarat Botanical Gardens, Victoria

Poppies in the Ballarat Botanical Gardens, Victoria